Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mormonism 101

Describing the character of Latter-day Saints, Newsweek magazine wrote: “No matter where Mormons live, they find themselves part of a network of mutual concern; in Mormon theology everyone is a minister of a kind, everyone is empowered in some way to do good to others, and to have good done unto them: it is a 21st century covenant of caring. This caring is not limited to Church members alone, but extends far beyond.”  

1 comment:

  1. We travel for work and move every six months to a year and I am so grateful that no matter where we go I have my Mormon community to take me in. The first thing that we do when we find out where we are going next is to see where the church is located and where the closest temple is. All of the organizations are quick to make us feel welcome and we build lasting friendships.
