....motherhood has taught me a lot about Jesus
Christ. As a mother, I’ve learned about justice and mercy, faith and
prayer, joy and sorrow, and deep, intense love. Each of these things
connects me to Him.
We are taught that as mothers, we are
“partners” with Christ. We offer ourselves as vehicles through which
spirits can come to earth. But perhaps we are more than just “partners”
with Him. Take a look at Moses 6:58:
“As ye were born into the world by water,
and blood, and the spirit…even so ye must be born again into the kingdom
of heaven, of water, and of the Spirit, and be cleansed by blood, even
the blood of mine Only Begotten.”
Isn’t that stunning? Physical birth (from a
mother) is symbolic of spiritual re-birth that will take place later in
life (from Christ). So, as mothers, not only are we partners with Christ–
We are symbols of Christ.
We offer our physical bodies in pregnancy
and childbirth to provide life for our children. Jesus Christ offered
His physical body in death, to provide life for God’s children. And both involve water, blood, and the Spirit.
But it doesn’t stop there. A mother’s
offering does not begin or end with her body. Yes, a mother offers her
body through sleepless nights, weary arms, a well-worn lap, an aching
back, and a listening ear. But what a mother offers most is her heart.
Her entire soul. And isn’t that what Jesus Christ has offered us as
well? Just as we see it symbolized in motherhood, He offers us His
body, and His heart and soul.