Saturday, April 28, 2012

A miniature church

“Each stake… becomes a miniature Church to the Saints in a specific geographic area. The purpose is to unify and perfect the members who live in those boundaries by extending to them the Church programs, the ordinances, and gospel instruction.”  — President Ezra Taft Benson “Each stake… becomes a miniature Church to the Saints in a specific geographic area. The purpose is to unify and perfect the members who live in those boundaries by extending to them the Church programs, the ordinances, and gospel instruction.” — President Ezra Taft Benson

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Building up Zion

Elder Holland
While President of BYU
Coach LaVell Edwards told me last week that as the team was returning to Provo about 2:00 a.m., following [an important] game, he and his wife couldn't help overhearing two of his players talking in the seat just behind them in the bus. They were not talking about beating a traditional powerhouse... They were not talking about how the offense had sparkled or how the defense had dug in. They were not talking about a conference championship or an undefeated season, or about a national ranking. 

They were talking about the one player's recent baptism into the Church, along with his wife who is also a student athlete here. He spoke of his eager anticipation of receiving the priesthood and of a future sealing in the temple. Indeed, there seemed to be only one disappointment in this whole conversation, and it wasn't about the ball game. 

It was that this young man had not known--and joined--the Church early enough to be able to serve a mission. At that, the other player, in reply, spoke of how much his mission had meant to him and how it had given real direction to his life. Much of this young man's life had been spent without a father in the home and I happen to know what it has meant to his mother to have him bear the priesthood and serve a mission. 

Coach and Sister Edwards said they had a little trouble fighting down the lumps in their throats, thinking of these 260-pound behemoths sitting behind them--kids who eat steel girders for breakfast and concrete slabs for lunch--talking quietly after one of BYU's greatest football wins ever, of baptism and priesthood and mission and temples… 

"When we conclude to make a Zion," said Brigham Young, "we will make it, and this work commences in the heart of each person. I have Zion in my view constantly," he said. "We are not going to wait for angels, or for Enoch. . . to come and build [it], but we are going to build it [ourselves]" (JD 9:284).

  Sept 11, 1984

Friday, April 20, 2012

New and Continuing Revelation

Bruce R.McConkie’s famous quote sums up the attitude of most Latter-day Saints today regarding new and continuing revelation:

“Forget everything that I have said, or what President Brigham Young or President George Q. Cannon or whomsoever has said in days past that is contrary to the present revelation. We spoke with a limited understanding and without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world. We get our truth and our light line upon line and precept upon precept. We have now had added a new flood of intelligence and light on this particular subject, and it erases all the darkness and all the views and all the thoughts of the past. They don’t matter any more. . . . It is a new day.”

Click here for the full article, “Spencer W. Kimball and the Revelation on Priesthood.”

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Decisions Affect Eternity

"Neither Satan nor any other power can weaken or destroy your growing character. Only you could do that through disobedience. That is why Satan is so intently focused on tempting you to make decisions that will undermine your character. Satan is an accomplished master at making devastating choices appear attractive, even reasonable. So be careful. At this critical time of life you will be faced with many choices. The decisions you will make will profoundly affect life now and for eternity. Make them wisely and prayerfully."

--RICHARD G. SCOTT, "To Live Well", BYU Devotional April 21, 2011

Monday, April 2, 2012

Julie B. Beck quotes

Mothers who know do less. They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally. They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home.” ~ Julie B. Beck
“A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy, or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do. …  But with personal revelation, she can prioritize correctly and navigate this life confidently.
“The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. …
Revelation can come hour by hour and moment by moment as we do the right things.  For instance, mothers can feel help from the Spirit even when tired, noisy children are clamoring for attention, but they can be distanced from the Spirit if they lose their temper with children. … Because personal revelation is a constantly renewable source of strength, it is possible to feel bathed in help even during turbulent times.” ~ Julie B. Beck

“In order to prioritize time wisely, I learned something from my father-in-law years ago. He was a  steel-worker and spent his life working three different shifts. He either worked the day shift, the afternoon shift, or the night shift. As a young mother I realized one time that I was working all three shifts, and that’s why I was so tired. We can’t do all things all at once, and we have to be careful and safeguard our shifts.
“As I have talked to young mothers and mothers with children at home, they tell me that their most important shift to be at the top of their game, to be the strongest lioness at the gate is the ‘swing shift.’ That’s the afternoon shift. That’s when everyone comes home hungry, tired, needy, and less lovable. It is when you are hungry, tired, needy, and less loveable. It is also the time of day when people are more teachable, when they are most grateful.
“Remember that influence and power come when we prioritize correctly. If you spend time elsewhere, you don’t have it to give. … Ask ‘Where do I need to prioritize my time?’ and ‘When do I have to be at the top of my game?’ I have learned that a good woman with the help of the Lord can usually work two to two and a half shifts. However, no one can work all three shifts. You have to prioritize where you are going to spend your energy.” ~ Julie B. Beck

Eye Patches

divorced people are like seeing a man with an eye patch. The patch adds a sense of dashing mystery to the man's appearance, but the fact still is--the man has been through a maiming experience.

(And I would add the same is for the woman too.) 

Photo credit from here:

Quote credit from here: