Friday, October 21, 2011

True Feminism

Feminism, in its truest sense of the word, can be best achieved when women spend more time focusing on the power that is already inside of them and using it to its fullest influence rather than trying to create opportunities for power in the world around them.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Indeference: A cold war with Satan

From the book:

Elder Oaks was in law school, and his brother was getting ready to leave on his mission. The year is 1956.

“And now, if I may, I want to say little about what you will meet in the mission field. There were times when a missionary feared for his life, and preaching was a rigorous physical experience. Now those days are history, and today the open conflict against the Church has largely disappeared… We are now in a period of conflict with indifference, in many ways a much more dangerous enemy than open hostility. One might say that we are now in a cold war with Satan, a time in which he has called off the active opposition to the gospel and substituted in its place indifference, indifference to the necessity for the one true church….” (pages 32-33)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Parental Teaching

"In the future, infrequent family scripture study may be inadequate to arm our children with the virtue necessary to withstand the moral decay of the environment in which they will live. Where in the world will the children learn chastity, integrity, honesty, and basic human decency if not at home?

"These values will, of course, be reinforced at church, but parental teaching is more constant. In my opinion, the teaching, rearing, and training of children requires more intelligence, intuitive understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance, and hard work than any other challenge we might have in life. This is especially so when moral foundations of honor and decency are eroding around us. To have successful homes, values must be taught, and there must be rules, there must be standards, and there must be absolutes...."

(James E. Faust, "The Greatest Challenge In The World- Good Parenting", General Conference, October 1990; see Ensign, Nov 1990, p. 33)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Scripture Study

Being aware of the number of references to Christ, having an understanding of the meanings for each name, and knowing when his influence can be greatest upon the earth can inspire reverential awe for our Savior. The witness of his divinity, however, must come personally to each of us—we cannot rely exclusively on the testimonies of others. The conviction that Jesus is the Christ occurs only when God, the Eternal Father, manifests the truth of it “by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (Moro. 10:4.) To the prayerful and the sincere, the Book of Mormon bears a powerful testimony that “Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God. - Susan Easton Black.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my plan for happiness

I'm committed to not letting my
circumstances deter my plan for happiness.
-Jennifer P.